Park Meadows Metropolitan District
2025 Budget
The 2025 budget provides for a property tax levy of 6.387 mills that translates to approximately $2.9M in property tax revenues. The District's tax base includes the following approximate sources:
66.0 % Commercial property
32.6 % Residential property
1.4% Vacant property
All property owners pay the same property tax rate to the District. The District has no other fees or charges associated with properties located within its boundaries. The final budget is posted by January of the budget year. The 2025 budget was adopted by the Board in December 2024. It can be seen here (2025 Budget).
Park Meadows Metropolitan District
2023 Audit
The District received an unmodified (i.e., a clean) opinion from Haynie & Company, independent auditor for the District, for its 2023 audit. Receiving a clean opinion, coupled with the fact that the auditor had no adjustments related to the District’s 2023 financial statements, underscores the fact that the District is confident that it can rely on the financial information that is provided to its elected officials who are responsible for making financial decisions on behalf of the District. View the 2023 audit.
The Board recognizes and appreciates its responsibility of serving as the District’s financial stewards. As such, the electorate can be assured that the District has sound financial reporting practices and controls.
On December 15, 2013, the District made its final principal and interest payment related to the Series 2006 Bonds. During 2012, the District paid off its Series 2002 Bonds. Currently, the District has no outstanding debt. This is an exceptional accomplishment for a Special/Metropolitan District in Colorado. The District is appreciative of the prudent financial management of its capital budget by this and prior Boards elected by the voters in the District since the District’s creation in 1982.
The District has no full time employees. The Board of Directors entered into an agreement with
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP to provide day to day management of the District under the direction of
Mr. Matt Urkoski. The District hires an independent attorney, accountant, and landscape services
through separate agreements.